This morning we went for our morning walk on the beach. We has some great ideas, wrote some wonderful inspirations in the sand, Des even has a great pun following on from my “stay focused” yesterday: “Stick to it!” with the stick and all!
We talked about plans for Beach Inspirations, our vision for this idea arose out of Day 8 of 10 days to a better blog having a daily blog practice. Just in case you are wondering, I have registered the domain name.
You might be wondering where the inspiration is for today ?
Well the beachblogger lost the camera. He has spent most of the morning beating himself up while I went shopping for a replacement for my Olympus Camedia 5.0 that I bought on my last trip to the USA in 2003.
Digital Cameras have definitely dropped in price in that time.
Darren has a very informative site over at Photolog. I checked out some of the cheaper models that were advertised locally and headed off to buy a new one.
Normally I would probably have headed to Ebay, but tonight is the second night of the Tweed Annual fireworks challenge and I wanted to take photos. I thought i’ll just pick up a cheap one, there was a Fiji A800 that looked okay for around $200, until it was explained to me that anything that used AA batteries ate up power like a thirsty fish. Lithium was the way to go.
So I made the brain shift and headed back to Harvey Norman who were having a clearance sale. I saw one that had an amazing price reduction. A Samsung Digimax L85.
Although we had just bought a Samsung camcorder, I wasn’t aware Samsung made digital cameras. This is a 8.3 megapixel camera that has a microphone and video recording as well. It has lots of bells and whistles.
When I asked the salesman, Natai whether the marked price was correct and was the camera okay. He checked the price label he nearly fell over, it was less than half price. He assured me it was a good camera, the retro design hadn’t been that popular and it has a great Schneider lens.
I have since checked it out on the net, there are varying reviews, but I am happy. I have a new camera that even has a fireworks setting.