I set up The Abundance Highway to help people move beyond “getting by” and into abundance in every area of their lives. I love the community of the internet. Here is a little about me. I believe we all have the ability to create the life we want to live. I am doing this here at The Law of attraction in Action,and through my art and how I live my life, reflects this. I have always been passionate about making a difference in my life and in the lives of others. Blogging and LOA are great vehicles for me.
The mission of the Abundance Highway is to help people achieve financial freedom, live their dreams, making a difference to their lives, which in turn will impact positively on the lives of others and the world.
I will achieve this by sharing the successes, setbacks and learnings from my own journey to freedom and abundance, and do this in a way that makes people’s hearts sing and empowers them to live a life without limits.
I make a difference by inspiring others and helping people live lives full of joy, freedom and creativity,A little of where I have come from: I have been an early childhood teacher and trainer of teachers in that field. I am an award-winning artist and I established and ran my own textile clothing and design business for fourteen years. You can see my artwork at, Suzie Cheel A long term student of personal development, I have a keen interest in online social networking. I have a Graduate Diploma in Social Communication and a Masters in Applied Science (Social Ecology) focused on the creation of communities on the Internet. That was back in 1996/97 Born and raised in Australia’s national capital, Canberra, I have lived and worked also in the United Kingdom and Nigeria. I am currently based on Australia’s Gold Coast – and online. I previously lived in Sydney, before we did the sea change to what I call paradise. Being online, I belong to many communities, blogging ones, making money on line, and communities that focus on the Law of Attraction and Spirituality. I have a passion to make a difference: I have achieved this offline in many ways now I am doing the same online. I recently used the Law of Attraction and a Big Hairy Audacious Goal to get myself to Vancouver to train with Michael Losier, “The How To Guy of Law of Attraction” I am now a Certified Law of Attraction Facilitator. The building of this online business was to be my challenge. After listening to Bob last week I found I had a much bigger challenge, something I wrote 30 years ago, that the world has been waiting for- one of those I’ll get around to it one day” tasks. I also blog each week at Successful Bloga series called Beach Notes. Occasionally at Thinking Home Business This is the blog of my life and business partner Des Walsh I have done many courses and trainings since becoming passionate about personal development in the early 1980’s; These include:reiki, Brandon Bays The Journey, Doreen Virtue’s’ Angel Intuitive course to mention a few. You can follow me on Twitter I also have a Law of Attraction Room in Friend Feed. Feel free to share in there. My life partner is Des Walsh an inveterate blogger. You can find out more about him at several blogs, including Thinking Home Business. And here are two of my passions, watching the magic of a sunrise and swimming with dolphins: