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Welcome to the Abundance Cafe

Abundance Cafe Take a pit stop off the Highway for some weekly news and specials.


  1. Beach Notes: I Almost Gave Up! my story on starting a thrice weekly swim that almost got stopped.
  2. I did decide to take up Lorraine on her discount price for Insider Tips To Shine as A Radio Guest course.


SAB specials

Love Love Love SAB Jenny Mannion  so appropriate on this Valentine’s Day weekend. I like how Jenny introduces this post with a poem and:

With Valentine’s Day upon us, I felt this would be an excellent time to write about love. Love truly IS the answer to everything. Love can heal. Love can inspire. Love can make you feel all warm and fuzzy like nothing else I know

Australian Fire Tributes:

This week has seen Australia experience it’s worst natural disaster in history. Fortunately so far no one in my family has been affected. The saddest thing for me is that many of the fires were purposely lit and I doubt that I will ever understand how someone could do it.

I would love to have channeled all the rain we have had here on the Gold Coast here this week, down to Victoria.

If you know anyone who has been affected by the bushfires they can attend a free Journey Intensive with Brandon Bays in Melbourne on weekend of Feb 28th/March 1.  Brandon herself lost her home in a fire at Malibu 12 years or so ago. This was the message I received by email:

As you know Victoria has been hit with great trauma with the recent fires.
Brandon has extended an invitation to anyone who has been personally impacted by these events that they are welcomed onto The Journey Intensive in Melbourne as our guests.
If you know of a friend or family, volunteers, firefighters, rescue workers that would benefit by being supported emotionally during this time then please let them know about The Journey, our Offering and get them to call us for support – 1300 30 44 14.

Several of my Aussie Blogging friends have written  posts this week about the bushfires.:

Kelly at She-Power wrote Victoria Burns and a Nation Weeps.

Robyn from Lets Live Forever: wrote Fires in Victoria

Shai Coggins  has a detailed post with links to other blogs Australians Online on Victorian Bushfires

and an amazing photo from the scene

gratitude to Sasha and there are more photos you can see at Flickr

Wishing everyone a great week of attracting abundance.


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