Today, time for some creativity. I know I have been neglecting my creative spirit on my artisic side, especially the blog.
When I saw Liz Strauss was having a Blog Show this weekend over at Successful blog, I got quite excited.
The Highway does need a polish and trim. I suggested, yesterday you might like to trim the widgets and maybe even get a new theme.
I decided I would get creative and start by giving my sidebars a clean up. Put in some new links, delete ones I wasn’t using. Litle did I know what I was in for!
Before I started on the project I happened to be speaking with my my cousin, Helen Disler, said I had not been posting to my blog. She had not received any updates recently. I asked her how she subscribed? Email, she said.
I checked the Feedburner subscription link on the site and found, to my amazement that the feed was going not to my feedburner account, but to my friend, Lightenings.
Not that I begrudge Lightening some new subscriber‘s but this was very weird.
I have had 2 other people trying to solve the mystery. At first we thought it was a feedburner problem, but testing the code on another site everything worked perfectly. We deleted and reinstalled the feedburner code and had the same problem.
I can only conclude that there was something wrong in the existing theme and set up, I have now deleted the text widget, but is refuses to go.
The only solution now is to change themes. Something I have been meaning to do for months.
Now to execute and attract a clean change over.So this blog gets a new look for The Blog Show. It will be quite different and bolder, Comments and critque are welcome.
LOL. How interesting. Am I attracting your readers??? 🙂
Lightenings last blog post..Define Rational
Not sure, but it’s great blog they were going to.
Changing themes is so tricky. Updated my blog before BlogHer. Like your sidebar and the orange background. Looking forward to seeing your new look, Suzie!
Thank you Barbara, Yes I do like the theme, and thanks for the feedback as I wasn’t sure and still have some learning CSS and html. i f you know a good coder and seo person that would be great . Have some broken code and it needs to be seoed
Hi Suzie!
The timing is perfect — I’m doing a lot of work with Esther Hicks/Work of Abraham book and super-charging my own creativity. Goal was to attract a few more like-minded abundance thinkers…then Liz’s wonderfully creative Blog-to Show inspired me to browse some juicy blogs I hadn’t yet visited — I found yours and am glad I did…so count me as a subscriber and I’ll see you here in the blogosphere more often:) Cheers, Erica
Welcome Erica,
Thanks for subscribing and watch your feed for free teleclass and info
Glad I entered.January will be good one to be prepared for. Do you have a blog?