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This is the Sixth AHA in the One Minute Millionaire and I was reminded of it yesterday, when Des, who was in Sydney for the day at a Web 2 conference, called and asked how my day was going and I hesitated. He asked did I have my yabut on! So what is a Yabut you might ask? In the One Minute Millionaire, Mr. or Mrs. Yabut is described the skeptical voice, the one that says, just after you have affirmed “I can do it”, up comes, “so who do you think you are? We all have this little voice inside, the doubting voice, the one that creates fear, the one that judges!

Well I had taken my Yabut off the night before, so I couldn’t give it a snap to remind myself that I am great and I can be, do and have anything I desire”. The book suggests that your Yabut is a thick elastic band that you put on your left wrist: This becomes your Millionaire Maker, every time you think a negative thought, something that takes you away from your Million Dollar Desire, you snap the band and this causes pain. The pain serves as a pattern interrupt. It is suggested that you do this 24/7 for 30 days, looks like I start again today. My Yabut is a pink hair elastic.

Millionaire Maker

This is to remind me more fully that, my thinking controls my behaviour, my behaviour controls my results. So now I will keep my Millionaire Maker on and snap my way to an abundant life.