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Live Your Life by Desire: The Boundless Living Challeng

Bob Doyle is the creator and facilitator of the Wealth Beyond Reason program, which is a very in-depth online curriculum on the Law of Attraction. Aside from giving the basic fundamentals of the Law of Attraction – including the actual physics of this incredibly powerful principle – Bob spends most of his time focusing on the real-world application of the Law of Attraction, because he realizes that while intellectually understanding these principles is a good start, we all have years of resistance and limiting beliefs that can make this work a little tricky at times.

Bob is also a veteran broadcaster, music composer, and author – but his real passion is the Law of Attraction and helping people to realize its full potential in their lives, no matter what their starting point or current beliefs may be.

The Boundless Living Challenge reflects this passion. I had known about Bob from the movie The Secret Bob has established a supportive like minded community in establishing the Boundless Living Challenge

Find more videos like this on The Boundless Living Challenge

Find more videos like this on The Boundless Living Challenge


Free Resources: Join Boundless Living and join in the next 45 day challenge

You tube videos:

Wealth Beyond Reason The Book

Wealth Beyond Reason; Free Resources

What I learnt from Bob Doyle:

  • The powerful healing that comes from using EFT on a regular basis
  • That ” so called gurus” aka Bob Doyle, face the same challenges and learning when they set a out of the comfort zone challenge
  • That to relax and enjoy the moment no matter what will generally improve one’s performance.
  • The power of being part of a community is so important.
  • Embracing the moment and being with what is.
  • Being able to share the highs and lows in the community
  • Setting the intention, got my book published and launched as per my challenge- very exciting

View my page on The Boundless Living Challenge
Do You Have a project or passion that the world needs to know about? Join the next challenge and grow!

This is part of the Heroes of healing project