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Synchronicity is definetely at work in my life this week. Receptivity the card that I have drawn for myself this morning mirrors an observation made by Andria from Is It Bliss. Who is Adria I hear you ask?

Andria is Michael Losier’s only current recommended LOA coach. I had first heard Andria on Michael’s Voice America sessions. Andria now hosts this session, since Michael moved to Oprah and Friends Xm radio.

During our session Andria commented: ” You need to learn to receive, you are very good at giving aren’t you?” Yes I replied and related an incident from earlier in the day when Des said he was doing something that would please me and I replied that he didn’t need to do that. Des then reminded me of instances when the tables were turned and said I need just to accept and receive.

Maybe you are like me and had a wonderful Mother who spent a large part of her life in service for others, I still have some releasing to do in this area? Please feel free to share your learning to receive stories below or on your blog. Trackback

Todays card comes from Doreen Virtue’s Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. Hathor is an Egyptian goddess.