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I became a star last week after featuring on Problogger. Thanks to you my readers and commenters. If you haven’t read Darren’s comment on this blog that started the ball rolling start here.

You have all contibuted to a wonderful conversation. In the process I have met some great blogs.

I was pleased to see that this was a timely post for many. I am not the only one asking this question and I am happy to have inspired so many of you to write about your feelings on this topic

The opinions were many and varied as were the approaches. The majority came out just in front, in favor of following the niche approach for making money, followed by focused multiple topics within a area. Following one’s passion and blogging randomly came in third.

What follows are quotes from some comments that spoke to me.

John Wolfe:“I believe as long as you cover what you’re passionate about and you can find a way to keep it somewhat under the same umbrella, then you’ve got it.”

Corinne suggesting using my own name, currently is my art site and I have been thinking about adding a blog to that site. Corinne mentioned Johnathon Fields who has also talked about this and I was interested to read that he is about to split his one blog into three. He has a must read article for all of us who are wondering which way to jump To Niche or Not to Niche with top bloggers, all expressing different points of view.

Nadia comments: Oprah talks about a lot of things but all of them linked to her strong personality and life history. This is the point that connects every subject.

Being a great Oprah fan I think this is so true, maybe I can emulate that here?

There were some approaches that I found have me thinking further about the direction for me and my blog.

Ian McKenzie comments inspired me on the focused niche approach. Read his post How Niche Blogging Increased My Earnings, on how this increased his income as well as his subscribers. This is very encouraging

Marina Martin says : I was facing the same dilemma and decided to break my different interest areas up into different blogs but to keep them all in a cohesive network, linking liberally across sites. This way people who know me (or want to know me) personally can read my personal rants on Marina’s Musings, Guinness fans can read Guinness Globetrotter, and productivity folks can read Sufficient Thrust (motivation) and Freedom From Organization (productivity tips).

Fascinating that the one topic she thought would be hard to attract readers to is the most popular? Can you guess which one? I am not sure I could maintain the numbers of blogs that she does.

This was a common point of view that threaded through the comments. Being able to maintain more than one or 2 blogs and still maintain your enthusiasm and the interest of readers.

I do like what she has done and is something I will explore as I embark today on Darren and Andy’s Course.

I am really looking forward to the course and I will report back on my progress as the course progresses, it may be here or on a new blog.

I see that today the book of the same name will be coming out later this month that Darren has written with Chris Garret


Thanks for reading and now I am off to class.