Saying Thank You Opens The Doors to Abundance
I first became conscious of the phrase “What am I grateful for today?” from Tony Robbins back 14 years ago. After attending Unleash The Power Within we took the 30 day course Unleash Your Personal Power
Recently as part of raising my vibes I set myself a daily goal of answering the question What Am I Grateful For Today? planning to record this each day for 30 days and record it as part of recent 45 day The Boundless Living Challenge. During the first 7 days I saw from the comments that this was an inspiration for others. Some even found it uplifting.
I thought this could be a great way for others to develop their gratitude muscle and help them also on their path to becoming Divine Deliberate Attractors. This could become a quick, simple but powerful daily habit especially for someone was feeling low on vibes or who got up feeling sorry for themselves.
I headed over to Name Cheap, typed in and universe said yes, so I snapped up the domain name and this week I will launch the blog of the name.
I plan to continue recording at least five things I am grateful for each day, and encourage others to share their daily gratitude in the comments or on your own blog and track back to the daily post.
I could have stopped at day 30, then I remembered that it takes 90 days to really create the habit muscle or in this case my gratitude mojo.
Why is this so important?
Any Law of Attraction book or course talks about the importance of being grateful each day. You can do this as you wake up before you go to bed, I was doing it as a silent practice, now I am recording it each day and I am becoming more aware of all the abundance I do have in my life, this make s me feel good and in turn this attracts more abundance and is helping me become more consciously a Divine Deliberate Attractor
What go you do each day to strengthen you Gratitude Mojo?
Wishing you a High Vibe Day
Post 1 for Connie Ragen Green’s 30 day Power Blogging Challenge
Gratitude is so important. I love your idea. I use a lot of visual reminders to keep me in a state of gratitude, like pictures of my wife and daughter near my computer. Every time I sit down to work I’m reminded of the blessings that I am thankful for.
Bob Crawfords last blog post..Signs From the Universe
Hi Bob.
Thanks for your encouragement and I like your idea of pictures to remind you of how grateful you are and the blessing you already have.
I have been using words to remind me of desires that sit on the wall behind my computer now I will add pictures,