Joy from Doreen Virtue's Daily Guidance Oracle Cards
“Joy is an emotion of happiness”
Joy is a feeling that tells me my life is on track. When I feel joyful I experience also feelings of pure love and an abundance of all that is good in the world and in my life.
Last week I was reading the Law of Attraction blog carnival that I had meant to put a post in to. The topic was Joy. I was interested to read that not one post that had been submitted was “on topic”. A subject for another discussion and a reason I no longer run a blog carnival.
Joy something that give us so many different feelings. Joy does allow us to attract what we do want into our lives.
Joy was a feeling I experienced working with Michael Losier in Vancouver last month. Joy is Michael’s highest value.
This morning I picked up this deck of cards and noticed the Joy card was on the bottom of the deck.
I thought that is what I want to feel today, I had just returned from a wonderful walk by the beach, grey, a little wet, still revitalized.
I started to shuffle and a card flew out, yes you guessed JOY. Great I thought the universe is in alignment with my words, hence my thoughts. LOA in action.
What gives you joy?
Hi Suzie.
Found you through the Blog to Show. I enjoyed this post about Joy; during a Future Self meditation in a life coach training workshop, I was introduced to my Future Self who just happens to be named Joy.
What gives me joy? Appreciating nature and sharing good, honest, clean laughter with friends.
In my case, Joy is attached to my family