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The Gift of Gratitude: A Book Review

 Image Title  *  alphatude : noun
a person, place or thing for which one alphabetically expresses gratitude
itude: alphatudes

The story of how Alphatudes authored by Michele Wahlder came about I found interesting. Michele was having a bout of sleeplessness that had lasted for weeks. Michelle asked herself what might happen if: instead of counting sheep she counted her blessings? Michelle needed a simple way yet methodical way to lull her mind. She started with the letter A  thought of apples. She focused on how grateful she was for the wide variety of apples, their colors and their names. Then Michelle moved onto the the letter B and imagined the beauty of a sunset and how blessed she was to experience that, then to the letter C …………

Michelle woke up the next day feeling energised and rejuvenated. She continued to build on her newfound gift of gratitude, sharing her method with others. The positive feedbackshe received, led to the birth of Alphtudes: The Alphabet of Gratiude.

The book is an inspirational work filled with images, quotes and is the type of book one will return to many times. Alphatudes can also be used to expand one’s own  recognition of the gifts of gratitudes, the blessing  that we already have. As Michelle says on Page 18- the letter C ” Many times, we may feel as though we have no choices; however, we always have the power to choose our attitude, our actions and our responses.” Michelle’s desire in creating Alphatudes “ is to provide an easy-to-implement, powerful method for helping people find the wellspring of optimism, serenity and prosperity that comes from the simple practice of gratitude.

Michelle does achieve this and I know that the power of gratitude can create so much joy and abundance in one’s life.

You can get a sneak preview here of the book

You can purchase the book on Amazon for $9.32 USD

So What Are You Grateful for Today?

in gratitude


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Disclosure: This is a complimentary copy that I was sent to review.