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Thank you to all the contributors to the 3rd edition of Abundance Thinking Blog Carnival.

I am pleased to see that there are some new faces in this issue. This carnival is focused primarily on Abundance Thinking and secondly the Law of Attraction.

This issue only features posts that are discussing these issues. This is not a carnival for network marketing, making money on line specifically or directly promoting affiliate programs. There are already carnivals that provide for these areas. Anyone who submitted and doesn’t see their contribution, I will be dropping you an email in the next few days outlining the guidelines for the next edition. Also if you submitted 2 posts , I have only included one.

In introducing this carnival 2 weeks ago I suggested it would be great to include poems, pictures and videos.

I am delighted to see a poem from Christine Kane titled What’s Easy. What’s Not Christine is a singer and her blog is full of abundance information.

Craig Harper also gives us both some poetry, humour, wonderful snoopy cartoons and a call to action with his post titled” 5 years from now?” His blog has just gone into my must read feed. Also a good blog if you love cartoons.

There are videos from…Terry Holley, Edith Yeung with one of my favorite inspirational videos from Paul Potts, Blue Skelton with the Loop, an interesting movie on Creative Inspiration.

There is also a Dream Theme in many of the post. Yesterday before I had read the carnival contributions, I wrote following words in the sand. Synchronicity


Alex Blackwell’s post Keep an open mind discusses dreams and at Share My Dream Te-Erika writes about ways we can cultivate a fantasy life.

Raymond Salas from the wonderfully titled blog: ZenChill Power tools Blog has very well written piece on Empowering Beliefs.

The Carnival: Abundance Thinking and Law of attraction

Anmol Mehta presents Infinite Energy & Prosperity Meditation Technique – Free Guided Meditation Book for Daily Practice – Ch 5 posted at Mastery of Meditation, Enlightenment & Kundalini Yoga, saying, “Powerful meditation technique for accessing the energy of the Universe to bestow wealth, blessings, gifts and fearlessness.”

Alex Blackwell presents Keep an open mind posted at The Next 45 Years.

Bill Urell presents 10 Easy Tips for Setting Positive Life Goals posted at Addiction Recovery Basics.

blue skelton presents The Loop – Short Film posted at Blue Skelton Publications.

Chris614 presents Bart Simpson Hates Writing Affirmations posted at The Philosophy of

Christine Kane presents What?’s Easy. What?’s Not. posted at Christine Kane’s Blog.

Craig Harper presents My Life…. Five Years From Now posted at Renovate your life with Craig, saying, “Some of us are going to wake up tomorrow (seemingly) and it will be 2012. Five years will have passed and August 2007 will seem like yesterday… and not because we have an amazing memory.. but because nothing will have changed in our life. We will have done nothing new or different. Despite the fact that we desperately want… new and different.”

Edith Yeung presents I Have a Dream posted at Edith Yeung.Com: Dream. Think. Act..

Israel Cruz presents The Creative Process Step 2 – Believe posted at The Secret Summarized – Byrne.

Jimmy Atkinson presents 150 Useful, Educational, and Inspirational Blogs for Aspiring Writers | OEDb posted at OEDb: Online Education Database.

John Hill presents Vibrate at the Same Rate as Money posted at Universe Of Success.

John Wesley presents Subject of Harvard’s Most Popular Course — Self Improvement posted at Pick the Brain.
JoLynn Braley presents Visualization + Emotion = Results posted at The Fit Shack.

Louise Manning presents Are you good at giving constructive feedback? posted at The Human Imprint.

Millionaire Mommy Next Door presents Frugal Millionaires? The Key To Wealth Accumulation posted at Millionaire Mommy Next Door, saying, “Before we reached our million dollar milestone, I thought millionaires lived an extraordinary lifestyle replete with fancy sports cars, mansions, and plenty of bling. I thought one could name a millionaire just by looking at her. I was wrong.”

Nneka presents Meditation Q&A: How Do You Meditate? posted at Balanced Life Center.

Raymond David Salas presents The Power of Empowering Beliefs posted at Power Tools Blog.

Susan Velez presents The Millionaire Inside; Get Inspired posted at The Secret To Life.

SJ Yee presents 10 Secrets to Happiness I learnt from Andrew Matthews posted at Personal Development for the Book Smart.

Te-Erika presents Cultivate Your Fantasy Life posted at Share My Dream.

Terri Holley presents Failing Miserably 101 posted at The Health and Life Mixing Bowl, saying, “I loved this video and thought I would share it! Very popular on my blog.”

Uni presents Abundance is a feeling posted at You Deserve More, saying, “A great article on abundance!”

Vivek Khemka presents TEN SIMPLE WAYS TO SAVE THE WORLD- ONE AT A TIME. posted at The Red Pencil.

Warren Wong presents Just Do It posted at Personal Development for INTJs, saying, “Are you pondering over a task? Are you not sure if you should do it? Here’s why you should just do it!”

That concludes this edition. The next edition will be published on September 3rd. I will be emailing and posting about this edition in the next few days.

Past posts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Technorati tags: abundance thinking, , , Paul Potts,