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Weekend Happenings:


fundraiser ideas
Free fundraiser thermometer
for your
original fundraisers

Suzie’s BHAG is rising daily you can chipin in here, visit her Studio online,  and check the domains still for sale


Team World Twitterers

What a weekend Glenda and I have had putting together Team World. To be launched on Monday.We have formed a group at ning and  we have both learnt many new skills and had a wonderful collaboration project. Amazing what you can do with google docs, gmails, skype and facebook. Easy for me, Glenda remember has cerebral palsy. This has been and will be a fantastic ongoing project where we can Be The Law of Attraction in Action and make a difference in the world. Watch for tweets, emails and posts and get ready to have some fun.


Gday Beach NotesMy guest post Beach Notes today at Successful Blog: Too Many Blogs Too Fast?

This will be a regular weekly feature and this was a post Liz suggested would be of interest after I raised it on Liz’s weekly opan Mic session last week. Well I have learnt a lot!. I was listening to the Q&A last week on the Last Class for Six Figure Blogging and I thought This was a no no mentioned by Darren and Andy. Sometimes event in life aren’t always perfect, but this has been a fun ride. yes Six Figure Blogging was worth the investment and I will go back and review when the madness stops.

Thanks for reading, please share your thoughts below.