This is the Sixth AHA in the One Minute Millionaire and I was reminded of it yesterday, when Des, who was in
Well I had taken my Yabut off the night before, so I couldn’t give it a snap to remind myself that I am great and I can be, do and have anything I desire”. The book suggests that your Yabut is a thick elastic band that you put on your left wrist: This becomes your Millionaire Maker, every time you think a negative thought, something that takes you away from your Million Dollar Desire, you snap the band and this causes pain. The pain serves as a pattern interrupt. It is suggested that you do this 24/7 for 30 days, looks like I start again today. My Yabut is a pink hair elastic.
This is to remind me more fully that, my thinking controls my behaviour, my behaviour controls my results. So now I will keep my Millionaire Maker on and snap my way to an abundant life.