Walking on the beach this morning I was thinking that my promised report on my Vancouver experience and the BHAG was still incomplete. Today is the day to fill in the gaps.
The event itself was amazing: Where to begin?
Watch and Listen to the testimonials from a group of us. Yes I was included so it is very special.
The highlights
- 5 star hotel- most mornings I ventured down to the health club for a swim, spa and sauna.
- Generosity abounded- Michael Losier provided sumptuous healthy breakfasts and lunches each day, along with morning and afternoon teas- yes in case you are wondering a few kilos did go on. I got to have the best Canadian Smoked Salmon and the famous pancakes with Maple Syrup
- The organization of the event was flawless. Michael had a team of people led by Gizelle Rivers, from his hometown of Victoria as support.there was Andria who I had met via skype, who was Michael’s only trained facilitator and a brilliant MC, Linda Storey- NLP and EFT trainer, Brian Walsh, Sidrid who handled logistics brilliantly, Anne the local Vancouver guide, Diane Savoy, Michael’s sister and VA and Sandy, Michael’s PA. Michael used this as an example of how he keeps his vibes high surrounding himself with like minded people. Michael Barton the web and video guy.
- While we are on the generosity stakes, besides the awesome training and materials we all received, we were given freebies. This was made a feature of the day, one day we got two!. I came home with:
Linda Storey’s NLP training CD Set
Michael’s Deliberate Attraction 3 CD set
Brian Walsh’s book Unleashing Your Brilliance
Michael’s Relationship DVD- I already have this set, Michael having gave me this back in January for asking a question on his call.Yes, one of you will have the opportunity to win this soon.
We also have a personal photo, a group photo and a country photo. Saturday evening was dedicated to this all courtesy of Michael.
- Michael, besides being a fantastic facilitator mixed and mingled at breakfast etc, moving around the different tables. He joined those of retiring to the bar for a nightcap on the Saturday night and for an Indian dinner on the Sunday. This was in my experience an unusual experience for the facilitator to be so involved.
- There was a networking table where we were able to share our business cards and samples- One result for me was that 4 people are now wearing my scarves. Wearing the product is still my best form of advertising.
One of the awesome aspects was the people I met. 74 very special people from around the world. A mix of ages and sexes.There was even a father and daughter there, as well as many couples.
The largest contingent was from Canada, then the USA. There were 7 Malaysians, 3 Australians, 2 Norwegians, 1 Indian, 1 Indonesian and 1 Greek Cypriot. What a mix.
What is happening now we are all back home?
Michael has set up a forum where we have access to the audios of our training, a great refresher. We have the support in the forum,from both participants and the support team. A way to stay in touch and support one another.
Michael also provides as part of the Special Library a 90 minute a month call. This has an annual fee of $100 which I think is outstanding value for money.
I have done my first free presentation to a local business group Knowledge To Go, a bit scarry but good and well received.
I completed a Teleclass Leader’s training program this week and I am waiting to receive my certification. Then there will be 2 free teleclasses on using the Law of attraction for your business and your life.
More in the works watch this space!
If you still have a burning question speak up below or contact me.
Wow, it sounds like you had a very insightful, thought-provoking time!
So glad you were able to achieve your goals of attending it.
Best wishes, Barbara
Barbara Ling, Virtual Coachs last blog post..A friend is ALWAYS a priceless gem and you’re never too old for more
Thanks Barbara,
You were a great supporter too. It is wonderful to achieve ones goals- my challenge has been to keep the momentum going
Going to these types of events in person is SO rewarding and empowering. It sounds like a great time, and I appreciate you sharing the inside scoop and the value!
thanks Aaron and have afun move