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What is it that gets you up bursting with ideas and bounding with energy? As my mentor Lisa Diane asks: What will get you To Live a Life Without Limits? It can seem like it is an easy thing to find your passion, it can also be a challenge, and Lisa Diane has a fantastic program that helps achieve this: The Power of the Prize:

The Ultimate Success Formula to have what you want and Only What You Want in Every Area of Your Life.” I have used Lisa’s formula and recently spent a power hour on the phone with her. Since then I feel I really have found my passion, to achieve freedom and abundance for myself and others. The vehicle for achieving that is this blog, The Abundance Highway. It does get me up, sometimes a little too early, but I usually have an idea for my blog post to share with other people wanting freedom and abundance. Do you live your life without limits? Now am off to share some time with people who are passionate about old cars, Elvis, Rockabilly and RocknRoll at the Wintersun Festival.