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This morning as I looked at my to- dos, opened the email, I went into overwhelm. I have to admit that sometimes I do get overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task and how to deal effectively with all the details of this Journey to Abundance.

Last week I had a great week, waking up early posting every day on this blog and decided that was a great way to do things. I also got very excited when Des asked me did I know that I had a good Technorati ranking for a new blog, until then I didn’t know the significance of a Technorati ranking.

This week hasn’t gone so well. I haven’t been waking up early, I have 6 posts half written and none posted until now.

So what’s going on here?

Well first I get distracted by detail. Also in the last few days I have been giving into that nagging feeling of “How am I going to do all of this?” “This” being creating an abundant life with personal and financial freedom, via my internet business.

My answer for today is in the title of this post, the well-worn but telling phrase- It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

And I remind myself I am on the Abundance Highway, not the Abundance Speedway.

It’s not that details are not important. They are. It’s just that I have to make sure I keep my long term vision clearly in mind on a daily basis: that will help me zip through the details, not get bogged down by them.

How do you deal with loss of focus or a sense of overwhelm? I would love to hear other peoples experience and tips for dealing with these challenges.