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Welcome to the Abundance Cafe

Abundance Cafe

Take a pit stop off the Highway for some weekly news and specials.

NEWS: Guest Blogging

Beach Notes this week  Beach Blogging Seminar tells us that :

Blogging maybe dead for some, for others it still hasn’t been born!

This week I was guest writer over at my friend, Stephanie Bell aka Spirit Coach’s blog while she was cruising in the Caribbean, no I am only a little envious.

I wrote a birthday post suggestion we all celebrate our uniqueness and shared my birthday picture of having a treat.

On Thursday I shared one of my  beach inspirations with Stephanie’s readers.

Special for the week: comes from the inaugural SAB (Super Abundant Blogger): Liz Strauss who asks:

How Might a Promise Like that Change a Life?

What if for just one week you

  • . . . saw your strengths and not your weaknesses?
  • . . . did the work on your projects to your highest standards?
  • . . . gave yourself the respect you’d give to the holiest, most whole person
    you might meet?

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 A  Seasonal Gift For Yourself: Self Love