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Welcome to the Abundance Cafe

Abundance Cafe Take a pit stop off the Highway for some weekly news and specials.


Law of Attraction Carnival:

This month’s Law of Attraction Blog Carnival #47 is up at Living The Law of Attraction. Ellie Walsh who hosts this carnival has made a great selection 7 articles from 53 entries. My Law of Attraction Inspiration post on Your Vibrational Bubble was included. Head on over there and leave a comment and raise your vibes.

30 Days To Wealth : My friend Shauna Arthurs has just released her e-book.30 Days To Wealth I was privileged to review this book for Shauna late last year. The release of this comes with some other great free resources to help you attract wealth into your life.

“30 Days to Wealth, with a simple daily empowering message calling you to take action, will allow you to move forward in your life. This simple tool will help you to increase wealth in all areas of your life and you will learn that wealth is so much more than being about the money. I love the practical approach Shauna has given me.”

Head over to 30 Days to Wealth to unleash the power of your subconscious and create the wealth you deserve.


SAB Specials:

Evelyn at Attraction Mind Map, check out the makeover, and a new butterfly logo. The post Wings of Love has started a new series in storytelling, which Evelyn plans to continue each week.

Sitting on the back of a butterfly is a pair of wings in the shape of two loving hearts. They glow in flaming red, a-flutter in great excitement. The butterfly has been on a journey of dancing loops and circles, of wondrous adventures. It is joyous!! It finds itself drawn to a tiny planet called Earth. Continue reading The Scattering of the leaves……

Lorraine Cohen from Powerfull Living shares a wonderful Law of Attraction story I recommend reading titled Are You Making Agreements With The Conditions Or Your Vision?

Lorraine is offering a great discount on her Insider Tips To Shine as A Radio Guest course. I got excited listening to Lorraine be interviewed about this program. I am still considering taking this 5 week course, besides helping with being a radio guest, it will help with setting up a radio show, teleseminars and more. The resources and scripts that are to be included seem very generous. if you have heard Lorraine on radio you will know she walks her talk. Did I mention the there is a $100 discount until Midnight EST Tuesday 10th Feb. Wishing everyone a great week of attracting abundance.


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