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The importance of getting your thinking and your thoughts aligned to your visions, your dreams, what you really want in your life is so important. There have been three specific instances this week that this has been reinforced for me.

  1. I received the monthly Pinnacle newsletter/podcast from my mentor Lisa Diane titled ” The Arrow or The Indian”
  2. I am currently re reading The One Minute Millionaire
  3. I bought Magnetic Sponsoring

Firstly, I am going to look at ” The Arrow or The Indian“and how this is being reflected in my life now.

Lisa had been at The Big Seminar in Atlanta recently and was amazed that there was no mention of the importance of what she teaches first and foremost, and sees as the foundation for success in any area of your life – creating the right mindset or what Lisa calls The Million Dollar Desire.

So what is the Arrow? – This is the tools and tactics – the courses, the ebooks, the things we think will help us make that million dollars, lose those excess pounds, etc. The Magic Bullets. And the Indian? This Indian is Me – the person I am inside, my mindset, my vision, my daily thoughts and actions. This took be back to the first time I listened to Lisa Diane and why I joined 6M Profit Method and 6M Community.

I remember Lisa asking did I live my life without limits? Could I do what I want , with whom I want, when I want? My answer at the time was no. I was also conscious that I had many of the tools and tactics, sitting on my bookshelves and on my hard drive that were gathering dust. The many magic bullets that would make me my Million Dollars.

What is really important is those 5 words: “Your Thoughts Create Your Life” that Lisa often brings me back to. I know I am finding that as I take daily action on my Million Dollar Desire, I am moving closer to Living My Dream.

Remember you are the Indian- you are the script writer in your life.