After my post on the Law of Attraction on Tuesday and the by Lisa Diane about how our thoughts create our life, I found myself during the day , which I had started on such a high. I had done my power hour, where I am currently focussing on becoming a Master Blogger. I had walked on the beach, swum in the sea, done my 5 Tibetan exercises, said my affirmations and written out my goals, all the things that keep me in a high energy state.
Somehow by mid afternoon, I found myself in the this is all too hard, that is this internet marketing stuff. I was setting up a new site which required writing a series of emails for an autoresponder series. Low Energy set in and boy did I feel tired. I then put it all in the too hard basket and went off to my Dru Yoga class. That put me back in a high energy state.
I yesterday had a fantastic day setting up my latest site which I will launch later this week. This is a new area of abundance in health and fitness.
Now off for a high energy walk on the beach, before I have a personal session with my mentor Lisa Diane.