Don’t you just love the saying on the card
” Everything is how it needs to be right now. Look past the illusion, and see underlying order.”
This is a great follow on from yesterday’s card, Clear Your Space, I thought.
For me this is also about Allowing and accepting, being with what is. I find this a challenge at times, as this used to mean for me letting go of what I saw as my being in charge, being in control.
This is something that is changing for me. I heard someone say recently ” I have let go of being the General Manger of the universe.” I thought this was a wonderful observation.
So today I am going to be with what is. Who knows what magic might happen!
Did magic happen for you today?
Todays card is from the Archangel Oracle Cards
It is indeed one of these things that are easier to accept when all goes well. In hard times however …
There are off course lessons to be learned. And I strongly believe that once the lesson is learned, the obstacle disappears. But many (including myself) keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.
Olivier – 7 laws of attraction’s last blog post..By: admin
I think we all repeat the same learning challenges until somehow a light goes on , that enables us to move forward.
A New Earth and the pain body reference is worth reading
Monday Motivation:Being Aware
This has given me a massive shift towards joy and freedom