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 Photo courtesy of TCM Hitchhiker

Do you sometimes "bite off more than you can chew?"

That’s certainly what I felt like last night. So I went to bed. You know head under the pillow solution? Also, the internet connection was like watching grass grow. 

This morning  I get up, meditate, draw a goddess card Abundantia, goddess of prosperity, that’s a great start! Yesterday’s card was Divine Magic and yes the Law of Attraction was in Action and working it’s magic. Another story for later today.

So what’s going today? Well you need to understand I am the original multi-tasker.  I thought the goals I set myself a few weeks ago were manageable.

Now I don’t think they are in the time available.

I went into melt down I nearly cried. Only 16 days before I leave!

So what do I do? I know how about applying the law of attraction

First I know what I don;t want- confusion , overload, stress, The FUD factor- fear, uncertaintity and doubt,

So what do I really want?

What happened to my desire statement? Not to mention my purpose statement.Just to remind you and me here they are!

I make a difference by inspiring others and empowering people to live lives full of joy, freedom and creativity.

I am in the process of attracting $8000 to be in Vancouver on June 4th 2008 to become a Certified Law of Attraction Facilitator.

Filing them away in emails, on the computer, in books is not having them in front of me each day.


I now have each of these on my computer beside my bed and they will be on the bathroom mirror and in the car before they day is out. I had the $ 100 not on the computer and the copy of Air Canada Ticket on the wall next to me. I had become so busy in getting new blogs up and posts done I lost the main focus.

Writing on 3 blogs plus my new weekly guest spot on SOB. Then today my art blog is launching a week later that I had planned.

So what to do? I thought sit and ask that small inner voice inside, my intuition. It usually is smarter than my conscious mind.

Answer: Put Zen Law of Attraction blog on hold until July. Reassess when you have completed the training.

This feels good. Zen Law of Attraction might stay, or the posts be repurposed and brought back here.

To sum up. I got myself into overwhelm about going to Vancouver to learn about the Law of Attraction and forgot to apply it the process.

Life is quite funny sometimes when you think about it.

I remember now, I started this when I wrote Taking The Abundance Highway to New Heights.