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Breaking Free

Breaking free can be applied to any area of our lives, often it is just a nudge or step out of the known and familiar, that sets us on the path to freedom.

Card of the Day is a feature I mentioned last week that I was going to add to this blog.

Most mornings I draw a card from one of the many decks of cards I own. Sometimes I ask a question that is pressing for me, while shuffling the cards. Other times I just ask ” What do I need to know today?”

Great draw today, I thought. This has been a breaking free week for me and there is still more to do. Breaking Free is the title of Chapter 6 in A New Earth , that was a big AHA for me. I wrote about this in last Monday’s Motivation.


This card is from Doreen Virtue’s Healing With The Fairies: Oracle CardsHealing With the Fairies

Do you have a breaking free story to share?