by Suzie Cheel | Aug 31, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Success Habits
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt “Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.”- Oprah Winfrey “If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what...
by Suzie Cheel | Aug 28, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Success Habits, The Secret
James Chapman one of my readers left this comment after the article on The Secret to a Success Mindset which I thought was worth sharing here. James is not a blogger, but in his words ” No I don’t have a blog, but I do have an abundance of enthusiasm and I...
by Suzie Cheel | Aug 19, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Blogging, Law of Attraction, Making a Difference
This edition of the carnival will focus on using the law of attraction – post a story, a poem, a video of an instance where you have seen the law of attraction working either for you. You can tell someone else’s story too. You might like to share a daily...
by Suzie Cheel | Aug 19, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Freedom, Law of Attraction, Making a Difference, The Secret
Today I received an email from my friend Liz at Healthy, Wealthy and Wise with the heading Suzie are you going to be one of the 1000? Liz and Ric have decided to try an experiment – something of that has come from the success of The Secret and the Law of...
by Suzie Cheel | Aug 13, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Law of Attraction, Poems
Thank you to all the contributors to the 3rd edition of Abundance Thinking Blog Carnival. I am pleased to see that there are some new faces in this issue. This carnival is focused primarily on Abundance Thinking and secondly the Law of Attraction. This issue only...
by Suzie Cheel | Aug 3, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Personal Development
Does what you do each day fill you with joy ? Does it make your heart sing? Walking on the beach each morning does make my heart sing and if you look closely you will just make out the words in the sand. I wrote this a little close the waters edge and the wave came in...