by Suzie Cheel | Jun 24, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Making a Difference, Personal Development
I have just read a wonderful post over at Bea Fields blog titled: Talent, Passion and Courage It’s about the success of British mobile phone salesman, Paul Potts who this week won Britain’s Got Talent show. What a wonderful post, and such a magical story. I have...
by Suzie Cheel | Jun 23, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Personal Development, Success Habits
I have just listened to the latest power talk from my mentor Lisa Diane where she is reinforcing what I call her 5 word mantra “your thoughts create your life”. She does say “we may think she is sounding like a broken record”:) So we have been...
by Suzie Cheel | Jun 19, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Law of Attraction, Personal Development, Success Habits
What is abundance? There are many definitions and the word can be used in many ways. The wiktionary: defines abundance as: noun An overflowing fullness; ample sufficiency; great plenty; profusion; copious superfluity; wealth: A lack of scarcity. And from one of my...
by Suzie Cheel | May 14, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Law of Attraction, Make Money Online, Success Habits
When I bought Magnetic Sponsoring by Mike Dillard I thought I was buying both a book and a turnkey system for building a database and that ever important list. Also I was to learn more about Attraction Marketing- this I thought would be good given my writing and...
by Suzie Cheel | May 13, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Law of Attraction, Success Habits, The Secret
The One Minute Millionaire – The story that transform your life and makes you rich, is both a fascinating book and a great reinforcement for understanding that 90% of success is about being The Indian I wrote about in part 1. The mentor in the story, Sam points...
by Suzie Cheel | May 12, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Law of Attraction, Success Habits, The Secret
The importance of getting your thinking and your thoughts aligned to your visions, your dreams, what you really want in your life is so important. There have been three specific instances this week that this has been reinforced for me. I received the monthly Pinnacle...