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Wrapped in Strength

The Strength of Others Inspires Me Daily My affirmagy wrap arrived this week all the way from Denise Hart aka Motivation Mama in Washington DC. Great service, the parcel arrived in under a week. I think you know I love to win prizes and I won this when I was doing...

Abundance Cafe February 8 2009

Welcome to the Abundance Cafe Take a pit stop off the Highway for some weekly news and specials. NEWS: Law of Attraction Carnival: This month’s Law of Attraction Blog Carnival #47 is up at Living The Law of Attraction. Ellie Walsh who hosts this carnival has...

Super Abundant Bloggers: SAB 3

Welcome to Week 3 SABs Super Abundant Blogger. The people chosen and their blogs will exemplify abundance, abundant thinking and generosity of spirit: they will also inspire me. ************************************** Tom Volkar writes in an open honest way that...

The Possibility Conversation

Some days the world is full of possibilities and life just flows. Other days frustration can appear and life gets blocked! Yesterday was a frustrating, blocked day for me. On our beach walk this morning I was talking with Des about how frustrated I was feeling about...