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Saturday Smiles

  Yesterday as we started our beach walk we saw people carrying sweet potatoes, not a normal Saturday morning activity at Greenmount Beach. One person commented that they were free and around on the next beach Rainbow Bay. As I was curious, we then headed off...

Aren’t We Lucky!

Some days magic happens! Yesterday morning while we were were swimming at Greenmount Beach we saw a perfect rainbow stretching from the sea to the land, a magnificent, perfect rainbow. A smiling young woman swimming near us said “Aren’t we lucky?!” I...

Thank God It’s Monday!

Photo by Suzie Cheel What a great way to start the week! Although at first I wasn’t so sure. The sun was shining when we went to the beach this morning but before we had had a swim or done my routine “5 Tibetans” exercise routine, to my dismay some...