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Music for Manifesting

This mornings card was an interesting draw for me as this week I have bought 2 CDs for inspiration. Olivier Newton Johns Grace and Gratitude Then one morning this week Soweto Gospel Chior were sining. I just love their color, vibrancy and their uplifting music. Makes...

Learning to Receive

Synchronicity is definetely at work in my life this week. Receptivity the card that I have drawn for myself this morning mirrors an observation made by Andria from Is It Bliss. Who is Adria I hear you ask? Andria is Michael Losier’s only current recommended LOA...

Clear That Clutter

Do you have clutter? I still have stuff and I remembered an article Carole Fogarty had written Mess is Not Clutter a few weeks ago. Carole is also a Feng Shui Master. Carole says: Healthy mess is part of daily living, it shows that your home is loved and lived in, its...

Breaking Free

Breaking free can be applied to any area of our lives, often it is just a nudge or step out of the known and familiar, that sets us on the path to freedom. Card of the Day is a feature I mentioned last week that I was going to add to this blog. Most mornings I draw a...