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Law of Attraction Carnival #57

Law of Attraction Carnival Welcome to the 57th Law of Attraction Carnival  This  has been challenging for me to select just 7 articles as there were many inspirational ones. We have this month some new entrants, so here they are for your enjoyment and inspiration. C....

How I Used EFT To Lower My Blood Pressure

This is my story of using EFT (emotional freedom technique) to lower my blood pressure while actually in my Doctors surgery recently. I first learnt EFT from Brad Yates the EFT Wizard and from other Eft Teachers that are...

Law of Attraction Carnival #55

Welcome The  Law of Attraction Carnival #55 Oops – I’m one week late in posting the October Law of Attraction Carnival. I had the second Thursday in my calendar. This month congratulations to everyone who submitted I had so many good posts to choose from. I have...

Law of Attraction- 90 Day Challenge Update

Join The Fat Loss Quickie Program Scott Tousignant from Fat Loss Quickie has a great 94 Day Transformation Challenge starting tomorrow and you can check it out here. If you know your body and you business need a tune up this...