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Monday Motivation:Being Still

This pelican was just sitting still and I was able to take a series of photos. Pure magic! Pelican on Pelican Point © Suzie Cheel Being still was the underlying theme of last week’s A New Earth class. In our busy lives sometimes we forget to find time to be...

Monday Motivation: Being Present

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift, That’s why we call it the present. -Anon This was the sunrise I experienced this morning at Rainbow Bay. I then practiced just being as I walked along the beach. Not thinking, just observing, just...

Monday Motivation Just Being

Just being, allow your self to focus on the rock in the picture for just a a few moments. That might be all it takes to calm the mind. For me going to the beach and just focusing on a rock, the water or just the horizon brings my mind to stillness. It allows me, as...