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China Travel Glimpses

So much for well laid plans to have pre written blog posts all set up to go while traveling. Things have not gone according to plan. Firstly we were not able to connect to the wireless network where we were staying in Beijing. Then my respiratory system reacted...

So You Want to Be a Guest Blogger?

If you have been reading Abundance Thinking Blog Carnival, you will be aware that I have been asking for guest bloggers. I am traveling to China, Beijing and Shanghai and then in November to Blog World, Connecticut and New York. I have had several questions about...

Blog Action Day

I first wrote about this in August when I registered to participate and promote Blog Action Day. Today I received the promised reminder. What will you be doing on ? There are three ways you can take part and make a difference post anything that has to do with the...

Learn HTML, XHTML and CSS the Quick and Easy Way

Elizabeth Castro’s book Learn Html, XHTMLl and CSS the Quick and Easy Way, is a must have in any Bloggers library. With my recent WordPress theme challenges I have found the book invaluable. HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition (Visual Quickstart...

WordPress 2.3 and Theme Change Challenges

You might be wondering what has been happening here for the past week. Funny headers, new designs,few posts….. After attending the Australian Blogging Conference and listening to Duncan on design for advertising I decided look at changing my theme. This seemed...