by Suzie Cheel | Oct 4, 2007 | Blogging, Freedom
by Suzie Cheel | Oct 4, 2007 | Blogging, Making a Difference
Following on from a comment I left yesterday on Floyd Craig’s Blogging for Burma that I said I would support: His call to all Bloggers Everywhere to use Your Voice and Blog For Burma. Please place a post on your Blogs, Sites,Forums. Stop Killing Buddist Monks...
by Suzie Cheel | Sep 30, 2007 | Blogging, Social Networking
What a great day. I am so glad I went. A big thanks go to Peter Black who coordinated what was a conference with a difference, This was like the blogosphere, we were all able to participate in the conversation of the discussion, only in person rather than online. It...
by Suzie Cheel | Sep 25, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Blogging, Law of Attraction
This focus of this carnival is The Law of Attraction with a difference. I asked people to think outside the square and as a result this has attracted some great stories, videos and poems and quite a few new bloggers. Welcome to all of our new bloggers. Arvind Devalia...
by Suzie Cheel | Sep 19, 2007 | Blogging, Inspiration, Law of Attraction
There is a truly amazing story by Glenda Watson Hyatt at her Do It Myself blog. This a a real Law of Attraction Story.
by Suzie Cheel | Sep 16, 2007 | Blogging, Make Money Online, Social Networking
What caught my attention during the week dealdotcom:New Affiliate program Launching on Tuesday 18th September this looks like being a great affiliate program with a good commission structure. John Chow is calling it the Woot of Internet Marketing John Reece’s...