by Suzie Cheel | Mar 1, 2008 | Blogging, Social Networking
This week, I have been in my home town of Canberra, catching up with friends and celebrating my best friend’s birthday milestone. My good intentions for daily posting went out the window, but it was great to spend the time with old friends. That is one of my...
by Suzie Cheel | Feb 20, 2008 | Blogging, Social Networking
Alone we can do so little: Together we can do so much" – Helen Keller Most Sundays we go to a local farmers’ market and stock up on fresh fruit and vegetables for the week. Last Sunday we parked in a different place and I...
by Suzie Cheel | Feb 14, 2008 | Abundance, Blogging, Law of Attraction
Carole and I welcome you to the brand new simplified and detoxed Abundance Carnival. To begin, a few affirmations on Abundant Health that are both fun and inspiring. This carnival leads off with a post I read during the week on the blog The...
by Suzie Cheel | Feb 7, 2008 | Abundance, Blogging, Inspiration, Motivational Sayings, Social Networking, Success Habits
Photo by T O Wong Today is Chinese New Year and the day I decided I would ring in the 2008 changes for my blog. This seemed appropriate as when I was talking with Carole from The Healthy Living Lounge, about what I was planning for my blog, she...
by Suzie Cheel | Jan 31, 2008 | Abundance, Blogging, Law of Attraction, Motivation, Personal Development, Success Habits
Change is in the Air! This is the final edition of the Abundance Thinking Carnival. There is a new carnival with a new focus and a new name. Simplicity is the key. Carole Fogarty from the Healthy Living Lounge will co-host with me The Abundance Carnival. We are...
by Suzie Cheel | Jan 26, 2008 | Blogging, Travel
A wonderful group of Aussie Bloggers recently established This has become a very active forum, yesterday I noticed 1000 feeds in my reader! There are some very passionate bloggers on this forum. So what is Aussie Bloggers forum about: At Aussie Bloggers, we are...