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I Received an Act of Kindness: I am a SOB!

Today I discovered that the wonderful Liz Strauss has awared this blog a SOB and I can proudly display this badge on my blog. SOB- a successful and outstanding blogger and from Liz : “They take the conversation to their readers, contribute great ideas, challenge...

Thinking About Blogging is Not Blogging!

Having just read my friend Carole Fogarty’s post where she acknowledges me for “the awesome support”. I felt it was time to re emerge from my “blogging silence” of the past few weeks and start regular posting again. I have been finding...

Abundance Thinking Carnival Update

The Abundance Thinking Carnival is still flourishing and this week you can read a wonderful variety of entries over at The Healthy Living Lounge where my friend and fellow Gold Coaster Carole Fogarty blogs. One post that caught my attention was Does Climbing The...

Traveler’s Tales Part 1

As I resurface into the clean air and blue skies of the place I call home, after 2 weeks traveling in China I know I live in paradise and a choice I am glad we made 3 years ago After a trip to the Dr on our return and a Forte dose of antibiotics, I took the R & R...