by Suzie Cheel | Aug 15, 2007 | Make Money Online, Social Networking, Success Habits
It’s halfway through the 30 day Challenge, Day 15. I have found two niches that meet Ed’s rules. This year I am following each step as it is presented and I am almost up to date. By today we are to have 6 articles written for each of our 2 niches. Having a...
by Suzie Cheel | Aug 1, 2007 | Blogging, Social Networking
Megan Bayliss of Imaginif has just published her 7th Heaven Carnival of Australia. This is my first submission to this Carnival. There is a wide variety of posts reflecting the diverse flavor of Australia. So head over there for a taste. I found that Meg of...
by Suzie Cheel | Jul 27, 2007 | Blogging, Social Networking
Mark ” Wizzer” Wilson , my buddy from 6M has just tagged me and now you are about to find out 8 random facts about me. First I have to find 8 people who haven’t been tagged and might want to play. There seem to be a lot of people who have been...
by Suzie Cheel | Jul 25, 2007 | Blogging, Make Money Online, Making a Difference, Social Networking
I have joined the 30 day challenge that Ed Dale, with Dan Baine and Nicholas Messe that is running for the month of August. So what is this amazing event: From Ed’s own words: In a nutshell… The Thirty Day Challenge is about making your first $10 online....
by Suzie Cheel | Jul 25, 2007 | Blogging, Social Networking
Des Walsh has written a great post on the importance of seeing the skills that you gain from being a blogger as being transferable in the business world. He also stressed that there is more to blogging than just writing. It’s about the stats, it’s about being...
by Suzie Cheel | Jul 16, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Blogging, Personal Development, Social Networking
This is the first meme I’ve participated in and I have been tagged by Cardin from Optimist Lab,,This meme is designed to raise awareness of social bookmarking site High Vibe It. This morning on my morning beach walk I was thinking about the post I was...