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The first week of 2007 is nearly over and I wonder how many of us will reflect back on this week, looking at what our actions have been in relation to our focus.

I know as I write this first blog post for 2007 a little later than I had intendedĀ  I am reflecting on what?s really happening for me that stops me getting started.

Walking on the beach this morning, my partner Des, a blogging expert commentated that I was not alone, he wonders why people don?t just write in their blogs instead of spending as lot time fiddling with the layout. ” It?s a bit like buying a house and not moving in for 6 months while you work out where the furniture is going to go!” Des has coined a new phrase: The ABAB Syndrome- Anything But Actually Blogging! He will probably write a post on it now.

Well I have done a lot of that this week, checked out WordPress themes that I think will do everything I think I will need, forgetting that I can always change or tweak a them later.

The important thing is to blog and as one of my intentions for 2007 is to become a master of blogging this means I blogĀ  each day. I develop a habit and from everything I have learnt about become successful, discipline and developing habits is crucial.

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