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Trent Hamm whom I mentioned in my previous post, I have discovered deserves a wider reading.

The 10 techniques he outlines that he used to increase his readership are really worth considering and would help all bloggers who are wanting to have a broader readership.

Yesterday I skimmed the post and the one on Scheduling Post was what grabbed my attention.

I have now printed out the post and read it thoroughly over breakfast. What I have found it that it gives me clearer outline of what I can effectively do to increase my subscribers. Here is the list :

1. Lay some groundwork before starting.
2. Listen to
3. Find your community
4. Immerse yourself in a social bookmarking site
5. Don’t give into negativity
6. Keep an idea box
7. Clear your schedule when you’re in the flow
8. Keep a posting schedule – but make it slow at first
9. Get ahead – don’t fall behind
10. Email readers as much as possible

I found all the points to be very relevant, especially the first one- a good place for beginning bloggers to start. I am now working through this list.

To get all the details go here