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I have just come off a teleclass with Mark Joyner and Joel Comm about adsense. As this is an area I have dipped my toe into recently, I found the call both enlightening and exciting. Having had my inbox filled in the past few weeks with Adsense is Dead emails, I was happy to hear Adsense is Alive and Joel commented that as more people come onto the Internet, Google , along with the Yahoo Publisher Network and MSN probably with plans in the wings. Joel is about to launch Instant Adsense Templates and he is so excited it came through on the call. This is going to be something very different to the other Adsense template sites out there. I know that his latest emails have aroused my curiousity, and today after hearing him talk , his enthusiasm for the industry, his integrity I think this is really worth checking out. It will mean for those of us who don’t live in the USA time zone setting the alarm clock to see what is in this box. I know I have looked at several different template systems recently but I am still trying to work out how to use them. I was also happy to hear Joel say these would work well with Xsite Pro and the 2 platforms I am currenlty using. Joel’s NEW GENERATION of Instant AdSense Templates…and it’s probably not what you think it’s going to be. Besides being bigger and better than the first generation (which sold out in a day and a half), it’s got a whole new angle…and Joel has some surprises up his sleeve that you won’t believe! Make sure you don’t miss it. Go there now and bookmark the page and you can even download an ebook about how to get traffic to your sites. The launch is tomorrow October 10Th at 12 noon EST.