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42 Days World Gratitude Gathering :

Stacey Robbin and Ken Herbert who established Go Gratitiude now have a Social Experiment: World Gratiitude Gathering

This gratitude wave  starts tomorrow June 22nd and  you can join the Gratitude Wave at any time. I like the question they asked :

What Will *Your* Life Be Like, 42 Days from now, after Embracing the Great-Full-Ness of Life and Connecting with our Growing Family of Gratitude?

I know that being grateful each and every day is an essential part of attracting  more of what we do want in your life.

This looks like a great way to manifest more of what you do want in your life, meet new like minded people,

Come and Join in The Gratitude Wave, who knows what you might manifest in the next 42 days. Wondering why 42 days? Yes I was too and you can discover why when you join. Here is the overview:

42 Day Aligning with Your Heart’s Calling Gratitude Program
Immerse yourself in Gratitude with a new series of 42 messages designed to engage you in a social experiment in Aligning With our Heart’s Calling Through Gratitude. To be delivered daily via the World Gratitude Blog and email.

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