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Boundless Living Challenge Achieved

Law of AtrractionI know it has taken a while – months in fact – but twenty four hours from now I will be delivering my first open, live, Law of Attraction workshop.

And I am excited!

I knew that I could do it, but getting to the point of booking the room and advertising the event meant I had to break through some challenges of self-doubt and “what if nobody comes?” type fears.

I have done a few workshops already, both online and offline, but this one, as a three hour event open to all comers, has presented a new level of challenge for me.

It’s not that I feel I can’t do it. I’m completely confident. And I’ve had some great feedback from the workshops and presentations I’ve already done on Law of Attraction.

For example, one person who was on a teleconference call I did on Law of Attraction said “I’ve never heard the Law of Attraction explained so simply.”

That comment I found wonderful. In fact it made my heart sing.

Because, as I am finding more and more, my passion is to show people how they can apply the Law of Attraction in their lives simply. It might not always be easy, but I want to help keep it simple. This is what attracted me to Michael Losier and his clear simple 3 step process on the Law of Attraction.

Yes, my blogging has suffered in the past week or so. But I know I will get back to it with enthusiasm.

Once tomorrow night’s workshop is done!Michael Losier

Back in October I set another myself  the desire to be listed on Michael Losier’s Facilitators site in the  Boundless Living Challenge, that will now be achieved: Lots of happy dances.

I would also like to acknowledge Tom Volkar and his Daily Decision Strategy that I committed to almost two weeks ago, on a great free coaching call. This has propelled me forward to spend 1 hour blocks to get tasks completed. Another simple system which when employed works!

For the benefit of people on or near the Gold Coast, here are the details of tomorrow’s workshop:

You can send me a twitter or visit the facebook event page, I do have a few places left.

Law of Atrraction

