I have finished reading John Chow’s free Make Money online book and I am excited. I will have a very busy week ahead implementing many of his techniques. I can see how I can move forward to achieving abundance through my blog. There are many things I have known about but only half implemented or put on the to-do list.
One of the things I really like about John’s book was ” What No One Time Offer” No up selling, no opt in, and yes I am now a subscriber of John’s blog. As he said in the introduction that he could have sold this as an E-book, but he is using this as a promotional tool, it will spread over the Net and link back to him. I imagine his subscription rate has increased already. I also like the distinction he made that he makes money by blogging, not by selling E Books.
It seems like I need to get out more in the blogging world, I did not know who John Chow was. I know I had seen his name, last week on a poll over at Shai Coggins blog and when I was checking out AGLOCO to see what this thing I joined, last year was all about. Another thing on the back burner.
Thank you John for your Free Book. I also have to say thank you to Yaro also for his Blog Profit Blueprint report. Finally I must thank my partner Des Walsh who 3 years ago started blogging with Thinking Home Business . I wondered what all his excitement was about. Know I know. So there is no time like the present to follow the path of the trail blazers who are offering such wonderful mentorship.
Thanks for sharing…
Mahalo Ke Akua, Al
Book: The Titus Concept Money For My Best and Highest Good
Website: http://www.thetitusconcept.com
Suzie, You’re doing awesome!!!!