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Do You Own Your Dream?

Own Your dream

Walking on the beach on Saturday I spotted these words and it made me think and ask myself am I owning my dream. Back in December I woke up at 3.30am with a bright idea.  The plan just fell onto paper and I got very excited. It was the day I was going to hear Abraham and Esther and Gerry Hicks on The Vortex.

So what happened?

I have my book with a message that can inspire and empower thousands. I have been holding it close to my chest, probably out of fear. The idea that fell onto paper was: ” Can a book buy a house? ” I had a big dream, the big picture was that a percentage of all the book sales would go to organizations that empower other entrepreneurs like Kiva.

I then shared it with those closest to me and started to question the title…..then I sort of gave away the original dream to accommodate another’s thoughts……..maybe they know better……

That has all changed. Inspired by a competition my dream is back on track. I am listening to my heart.

I have a  plan and a new Vision Board  I am now owning my dream and tomorrow I will announce to the world the start of this journey and the path to fulfilling this dream. Three months have gone by and I am releasing my frustration of my provrastination with MOI. This song is a good reminder : Hold on tight to your dream! listen here Enjoy

Do you own Your Dream?

Please share your dream  stories in the comments section below



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