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Madly in Love With Me Day

Are you madly in love with you?

Does your self-esteem need a boost?

February 13th  is the day you can celebrate your own uniqueness and give yourself a special day.

The founder of Madly in love with me day, Christine Arylo, talks candidly and personally about why she’s dedicated her life to inspiring women to fall in love with themselves. And maybe why you should too:)

One of the most difficult, essential, fabulous, fantastic and absolutely powerful things every woman must do in her lifetime is fall in love with herself, for exactly who she is. How great would it be to have a life-long love affair with yourself? How would your life be different if you…

  • made choices that come from a place of love for yourself
  • created a life that supported what you truly want
  • celebrated who you are today, not who you may be later
  • expressed–instead of repressed–your most authentic self

Get your Free ME Kit today & start a life long love affair with yourself!

Madly In Love With Me Day is Feb 13!

The fabulous kit includes

  • ideas to plan your ME DAY, whether alone or have a party with girlfriends.
  • Me must haves
  • Vows to make to yourself
  • and lots more

Are you ready to start a lifelong love affair with yourself?


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