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Year of the Rat

 Photo by T O Wong

Today is Chinese New Year and the day I decided I would ring in the 2008 changes for my blog.

This seemed appropriate as when I was talking with Carole from The Healthy Living Lounge, about what I was planning for my blog, she mentioned that this is 1 year in Numerology and that The Year of the Rat begins a new 12 year cycle. The Year of The Rat is a time of renewal and achievement. It can herald a time of change. As I was born in The Year of the Rat, this all seemed synchronistic.

I liked the positive qualities that are outlined in the Wikipedia article: The Rat  was welcomed in ancient times as a protector and bringer of material prosperity. Rat is associated with aggression, wealth, charm, and order. I thought as my main goal this year is to be Financial Free, and as I am in the process of simplifying all areas of my life, this reflected well. Des will tell you I can be charming and have also been known in the past, of course, to show some aggressive tendencies.

year of the rat 

 Photo by Peter Nagle

For a simple look at your year ahead for the Chinese New Year from Ting-Foon Chik head over to this page and this Squidoo is full of everything you may want to know. My knowledge has increased tenfold.

There are lots of fabulously famous people who also are "Rats": Charlotte Bronte, Truman Capote, Catherine I, Prince Charles, Sasha Cohen, Peter the Great, Mata Hari,  Wolfgang Mozart, Plato, William Shakespeare, Leo Tolstoy, George Washington, Al Gore, the Queen Mother and more, great company to be in.

Want to know if you are a rat? These are the years : 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996.

And now for the changes I wrote about back in January. Wow I have just re-read what I wrote then. That list I wrote was a good reason to go into overload.

I am still in the process of simplifying my life and taking it more slowly. You will read about this as I progress.

What’s new for the Abundance Highway for 2008?

  • Motivational Monday with a motivational saying to help you start the week on a positive note. This will be  a weekly feature. If there is a special motivational saying you would like to have featured let me know.
  • A Law of Attraction featured post each week. These will be focused on using  practical tools and tips. Michael Losier’s Book The Law of Attraction will be a starting point.
  • Abundance Tools – Here I will share the tools I use, some known, some new. I am looking to introduce some innovative new ways to support fast tracking abundance in 2008.
  • Success Habits- The actions, tips and tools that go towards creating success. My starting point for this year has been using the wonderful book  by Leo Babauta, Zen to Done  that is helping me to simplify my life and become focused on what is important.
  • Blogging and Social networking There will be occasional posts on tools and tips that I use, drawing on what I find in my journeys around the blogosphere.
  • A new links site where I will share the posts I have read that day or week that have inspired me, called me to action, and are just fun.

Please leave a comment if there is something else you would like to see in this list.

I finally have installed a plugin and got it to work, that allows me to have a conversation with you .

Have an abundant and Happy Lunar New Year or Gong Xi Fa Cai
