by Suzie Cheel | Dec 11, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Success Habits
Over the past few weeks I have had time to reflect on the importance of having abundant health. An important value. After a course of strong antibiotics that didn’t totally move the bug out of my system and test results that showed I was healthy, I looked more...
by Suzie Cheel | Aug 28, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Success Habits, The Secret
James Chapman one of my readers left this comment after the article on The Secret to a Success Mindset which I thought was worth sharing here. James is not a blogger, but in his words ” No I don’t have a blog, but I do have an abundance of enthusiasm and I...
by Suzie Cheel | May 24, 2007 | General, Success Habits
This morning instead of my usual morning beach walk and swim, Des suggested we put the shoes on and do some power walking and climb some stairs and a hill. I reluctantly put my runners on and we set off on the track and up the stairs. Well I have been walking,...
by Suzie Cheel | Apr 20, 2007 | Law of Attraction
Each day we walk and swim on the beautiful beach at Greenmount, Coolangatta on the Gold Coast, Australia. At 6AM, this morning, as we parked at the beach, I glanced at the car parked next to us and I saw a young man in the drivers seat, who looked like he was about to...
by Suzie Cheel | Mar 29, 2007 | Gratitude, Law of Attraction
Yesterday walking on the beach I was thinking just how great where I live is and I was wearing my very old favorite T Shirt on the front and on the back If you can read the tiny print Louise Hay produced this design in 1991. I bought this at a seminar where Louise Hay...