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Alone we can do so little:

Together we can do so much"

   – Helen Keller


Most Sundays we go to a local farmers’ market and stock up on fresh fruit and vegetables for the week.

Last Sunday we parked in a different place and I saw the wonderful tile montage above, on the wall of the Local Family Day Care Centre.

I don’t normally take my camera to the markets, but at the last minute I had put it in my bag. I had the idea for this post  but didn’t imagine capturing something so wonderful.

The montage of individual tiles was painted by children, staff and carers at Tweed Heads Family Day Care centre, and  represents the sense of community that they see this montage depicting.

Over the past week, I have spent time updating my own map of my online community, my social networks, and working out where I spend my time.

When I went back to paper planning last week, I listed the forums I was going to participate in and which social networks.

I found that as the week went on I had added a few more.

One I joined last week I am very excited about.

Jack Humphrey’s from The Friday Traffic report had set up is Social Marketing Central at Ning. At last count there were 502 members.

Jack says on his first post on the forum on February 10th:

Well I finally found a cure for my paralysis in deciding which social community platform to go with. Here were my requirements:

  1. I didn’t want to install, configure or host it myself.
  2. I wanted to turn it on, do a little setup, and let it rip.
  3. I needed it to have several types of functions like RSS from my main social marketing blog, groups, forums, and other stuff to keep people interested in coming back and making connection here as opposed to (in addition to) 4.6 trillion other social networks out there.

Ning made the cut, and here we are today!              



There are groups forming within Social Marketing Central

stumble Alex Blackwell set up a stumbleupon group. This has just been going for a  few days, I have met new blogs as well as bloggers and had increased traffic to the highway.

diggJack Humphreys set up Diggers group – learn the secrets to gettting dugg on Digg

rss  and RSS Feed Central, to help one another increase feed subscriptions

wordpressWordPress Central set up by  Ben, a.k.a. internetgenius, from WordPress University


technoratiToday Greg Lungar set up Technorati Favourites Club


Social Networking Central is building to be a great community, bloggers helping bloggers.

My question now is how to manage all the other networks and forums?


Just as for my email, some of these will be stripped away


Aussie Bloggers Forum


 And a few more that I have forgotten I belong to

The decision will be which ones?

How are you managing your social networking?

Please share below.

If you liked this article, please  stumble, share it on or on Digg. I’d appreciate it.