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Rhonda Byrne, tomorrow will reveal the her heart-felt real story behind The Secret.

In this intimate one-on-one interview, Marci Shimoff (co-author of mega-best-seller Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul) will ask Rhonda all those questions that weren’t asked in the mainstream media that you’ve been wanting to know.

If you wanted to know …

  • the inside story behind the creation and unfolding of The Secret that the other guys glossed over…
  • the unique never-before-revealed way she used the principles of The Secret herself to turn The Secret into a global phenomenon, and how you can use them too (6 million people in Ghana, Africa who would never have been able to experience this wisdom were able to watch the secret for FREE because of this principle…)
  • about the surprising plans for The Secret II 

Then this interview is a must.This vital companion to The Secret absolutely must be heard by everyone who is using these ideas to change their life.

Visit this page to find out how you can listen and watch a webinar right from the comfort of your computer.

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