A Twitter Fest in Vegas @BWE08
How to find out what went on in Vegas is to check out the twitter #BWE08 tag.
BWE was a blast both for learning, connecting, having fun, meet,not to forget the great parties. What is really wonderful was the sense of community.
It was wonderful to spend time with new and old blogging and twitter friends.
Working backwards, a video from the last night.
Barbara Rozgoyni @wiredprworks who has a fantastic record of the sessions she attended and Ricardo Beuno aka Reebezie, famous for his hat.
Barbara’s wonderful record of BWE is here for you
- State of the Blogosphere
- Making Money Online – Tips from Top Bloggers
- Social Media in the Newsroom
- Book Deals, Digital Assets and Corporate Sponsorships for Bloggers
- How Not to Use Social Media
- Twitter as Micro-Journalism: Breaking News in 140 Characters or Less
- How to Sell Direct Advertising on Blogs
- Search Engine Optimization for Blogs
- Parlaying Internet Fame into Media Attention
- Bloggers and PR Strategies
Dinner on the last night was a Tweetup organized by Dave Taylor @ davetaylor at The Hacienda Margarita where I sipped on a cadillac margarita along with Tawn @dinkerp2, Mari Smith, Liz Strauss, Des Walsh,Ian Fernando, Warren Whitlock, Jim Kukral, Paul Chaney, Toby Bloomberg, Lorelle, to name a few. You can see everyone at Debra Conrad’s site on a great video and find new people to follow on twitter.

Last Night at BWE with Mari Smith and Barbara Rozgoyni
My BWE08 Tweets: Pictures @ Flickr and some videos @ YouTube
“awesome” is a seriously over-used word but completely appropriate in speaking of Barbara’s coverage of BlogWorld Expo. And the dinner on the Sunday night was indeed a wonderful gathering of interesting, lively people – where we all got the energy from at that stage I don’t really know!
Des Walshs last blog post..I’m Speaking at Web Wednesday, Guangzhou