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So much for being a blogger on the road! Have lots to report as I sit here with Free WiFi at Vancouver Airport getting ready to fly home.

 So much to share, Yes it was worth every effort that was made. Would I do it again YES! this was a training with a difference. I am feeling both very peaceful and excited about moving forward.

I have learned so much and will report back on in the next few days. It is now Monday evening and I land back home Wednesday lunchtime on the Gold Coast.

A memorable photo: one of the wonderful features of this visit was the number of new friends I made from many parts of the world.

QUEEN Cynthia Manner found there were 3 Queens, Dr Queenie,Nancy Wegierski and myself the Abundance Queen.



3 abundance queens

Until probably Thursday in Australia, when I have had one good nights sleep, daily blog posts will be back to normal and the next time I am away, I will have a flip phone and be staying somewhere where internet connection is part of the accommodation cost.

Off to catch the plane, see you tomorrow.